The Real Deal With Real Wages and Productivity

It's a popular misconception that real wages have stagnated for decades. The data that backs this uses inappropriate inflation data.


We have expanded our reporting to cover Canada and the UK.


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Rapid deindustrialization in the U.K. led to massive employment losses in the manufacturing sector in the 80s and 90s. Those effects can still be felt today.
5 minutes
It's a popular misconception that real wages have stagnated for decades. The data that backs this uses inappropriate inflation data.
4 minutes
June's employment numbers showed a cooler labor market, with gains of 206,000 and the unemployment rate slipping to 4.1%.
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Climate change is no longer a distant threat. It is already negatively impacting European economies and labor markets.
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Workers’ health has been deteriorating and economic costs are rising due to the obesity epidemic. Weight loss drugs can help reverse these negative trends.
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Two surveys offer the primary insights into the labor market, but recently, the job numbers they offer have been diverging.
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The U.S. economy added 272,000 new jobs in May, far above market expectations of 150,000. This labor market continues to be resilient.
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High interest rates in the Europe have stifled economic growth. High German wage growth is a risk, but the ECB should continue to ease policy.
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After four years of schooling marred by COVID-19, this year’s graduates are entering the workforce. What defines Gen Z’s first labor market?
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Income inequality in the U.K. has fallen. Wage stagnation at the top combined with large increases in the minimum wage can help explain why.
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The Canadian labor market had a surprisingly strong April, but is it a sign of a lasting trend or simply a blip?
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The United States labor market has been impressively strong for some time, but is this the best labor market ever? Not quite.
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The labor market started the year off with a bang, but in April, the jobs report showed more humble gains and industry surprises.
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Spain’s decade-long depression finally seems to be over. The country is enjoying a labor market recovery and a tourism boom.
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According to a new report, the United States continues to be a top destination for international talent seeking opportunities abroad.
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The U.K. has experienced a surge in immigration lately, so we gathered seven facts about the current state of immigration.
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In the U.K., both wages and inflation came in hotter than expected. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate edged up and payroll jobs saw a steep decline, indicating a rapidly weakening labor market.
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The French economy has been outperforming thanks to fashionable exports, favorable demographics, and an attractive investment environment.
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In a shift from the recent trend of a steadying labor market, Canada's job market experienced a setback in March, shedding 2,220 positions.
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The U.S. labor market had another impressive month, but is the enduring growth too strong for the Federal Reserve?
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Advanced economies are facing shrinking workforces. But the recent immigration surge is now throwing off some older population forecasts.
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The U.K.’s economic downturn is currently affecting “sitting-down jobs” much more than “standing-up jobs”. The U.K. labor market is experiencing a white-collar recession.
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The amount of sick leave in Germany can partially explain why Germany’s economy tipped into recession last year.
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Canada's labor market rebounded in February, making impressive gains of 40,700 net new jobs in a high interest rate environment.
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The U.S. labor market continues to defy gravity: with 275,000 net new jobs in February (beating expectations once again) job growth doesn’t appear to be “landing” at all.
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After decades of stalling wage gains for the lowest earners, the U.S. is experiencing a dramatic wage compression.
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Couples in different advanced economies face different opportunity costs when it comes to children, creating different pockets of DINKs across the globe.
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Raising kids has become increasingly expensive but not necessarily in the way that you think. Women increasingly choose career over babies – welcome to the DINK phenomenon.
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Despite the robust job market, recent college graduates face greater challenges in securing employment than the rest of the population.
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GDP data confirmed that the UK slipped into recession in the second half of 2023. The BoE needs to reverse course quickly or else face a more severe downturn.
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Pinpointing a national downturn is difficult enough, but knowing whether a state is in a recession or not is even more tricky.
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The Canadian labor market made some impressive employment gains in January, but trouble is still brewing under the surface.
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The jobs market added a surprisingly strong 353,000 net new jobs in January, while the unemployment rate remained low at 3.7%.
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Brexit may have created barriers to trading goods for the U.K., but it might also create an opportunity to become a service export superpower.
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Data revisions have subtracted more than 400,000 jobs throughout 2023, something that Fed policymakers should keep an eye on.
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OECD countries have seen a surge in migration recently. In the future, expect permanently higher migration flows due to new factors at work.
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Overall GDP growth in the U.K. has been steady, but the increase is driven by population growth, rather than productivity and income growth.
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Canada's economy ended 2023 with weak job gains and a significant slowdown. As we move into 2024, the outlook doesn't look great.
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Since the pandemic started, stability has been lacking in the labor market. The outlook for 2024 looks much more normal.
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The United Kingdom's economic outlook is only slightly more uncertain than its current status, which is bad news for the central bank.
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The outlook for the Eurozone is not looking positive for 2024, especially if the European Central Bank continues on its current path.
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The American jobs market once again saw impressive gains in November, as shown in a jobs report that supported the soft landing narrative.
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Recent developments have contributed to impressive labor force outcomes for disabled workers, but are they permanent or transient solutions?
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The Canadian labor market added 25,000 new jobs in November, while the unemployment rate rose to 5.8%.
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Will the proposed tax cuts from the U.K. government's actually boost economic growth or is their usefulness overstated in nominal terms?
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Employees desire meaningful work, but not every worker finds purpose within their professions. What can employers do to help curate purpose?
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Though more and more people are graduating from college, the U.K. labor market has a troubling graduate skill premium.
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Rapidly rising interest rates didn't create the big economic downturn that many forecasters predicted. How did the economy avoid a recession?
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BoE officials have made it clear that they are now willing to sacrifice the labor market to bring down inflation, but the official numbers are unreliable.
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