January's jobs report features historical revisions of 2024 data that change the way we think about today and tomorrow's labor market.


After joining the European Union two decades ago, Eastern Europe's growth has become one of the greatest economic success stories of our time.

Industries: Discover industry-specific insights and the state of hiring in these main sectors.

We have expanded our reporting to cover Canada and the UK.


Recruitonomics is a hub for data-driven research that aims to make sense of our evolving world of work.

#Leisure and Hospitality

All #Leisure and Hospitality Stories

Spain’s decade-long depression finally seems to be over. The country is enjoying a labor market recovery and a tourism boom.
5 minutes
Employment growth in the food services and healthcare sectors has remained strong, which could help the labor market withstand a recession.
3 minutes
In 2022, the labor market was unpredictable. The labor market rebalance in 2023 will see a return to center for "out of whack" industries.
4 minutes

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