The Real Deal With Real Wages and Productivity

It's a popular misconception that real wages have stagnated for decades. The data that backs this uses inappropriate inflation data.


We have expanded our reporting to cover Canada and the UK.


Recruitonomics is a hub for data-driven research that aims to make sense of our evolving world of work.

Labor Market Snapshot Library
Deeper Insights by Industry

These reports combine Appcast’s massive set of recruitment data with the latest information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Our hope is that these resources will transform the way you approach hiring in today’s complex labor market.

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Q2 2024 Labor Market Snapshot Reports

Q2 2024

Accommodation & Food Service Snapshot

The accommodation and food services sector continues to steadily add jobs, though not at the same pace seen during the post-COVID boom.

Q2 2024

Manufacturing Snapshot

The manufacturing industry is on track for a solid year as investment flows into new plants across the United States. A large wave of construction spending…

Q2 2024

Transportation & Warehousing Snapshot

The drain won’t stop for the transportation and warehousing sectors. After a weak holiday season, the new year continued with the job losses witnessed in 2023.

Q2 2024

Healthcare Snapshot

The healthcare sector is by far the best performing sector across the economy at the moment, the true poster child of the surge in “standing up” jobs.

Q2 2024

Retail Snapshot

Retail hiring last winter was subdued – the industry lost 6,300 jobs in the fourth quarter. Heading into the new year, this less-than-stellar performance was reversed…

Q2 2024

Technology Snapshot

The so called “tech-cession” – a receding demand for highly-skilled software engineers and other tech positions – has continued into 2024.

Q2 2024

Finance & Insurance Snapshot

The finance and insurance sector has had a volatile couple of years. From July 2021 to May 2022, the sector lost no positions (though the size of gains was variable).

All Stories

Rapid deindustrialization in the U.K. led to massive employment losses in the manufacturing sector in the 80s and 90s. Those effects can still be felt today.
5 minutes
It's a popular misconception that real wages have stagnated for decades. The data that backs this uses inappropriate inflation data.
4 minutes